Thursday, June 7, 2007

I started a blog

Hello friends,

It seems that the thing to do when you go abroad or are about to travel somewhere is to start a blog. This way, I am capable of sharing stories when I'm on the road and you can all check it when you like. I don't really like the idea of sending e-mails simply because it seems a bit intrusive and this way, if you are truly interested, you can check it whenever you'd like. How 'bout that??

Anyway, everything is set up except my visa. This year, France decided to make their visa even more difficult to get hold of and now I need to find a way to Chicago to get to the consulate and pay for it. Historically, the school has done all the paperwork for you. I attribute the change to the increased difficulty in obtained a U.S. visa. As my brother pointed out--it seems to be a "you push me, I'll push you back" kind of thing. I'm sure it will all work out.

I'm not too nervous. I am understandably shaky about my language abilities, but I assure myself that it is normal. Being proactive against my language loss, I've started reading Albert Camu's "L'etranger" in French. It's pretty simply written, but nonetheless serves the purpose of keeping up the French.

As I am still in St. Louis and am extremely short of stories for you right now (and am also at a lack of story-telling ability like mon cher frere), I am going to end this blog short. I hope everyone is joyful on this beautiful day. Enjoy the summer (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, that is).

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